Ta-dam!! Stop for a moment and have a look at this burger! That exceeded my expectations and this turned out amazing! The patty is very nice, full of flavour and doesn’t fall apart too easily. If you are not burger kind of person, you can have it just as it is with a side of fav grain, veg and salad! Sooo.. let’s go!
Tips and insights:
- Adjust the flavour by playing with herbs and spices and you can have different dish every time!
- You can fry it, you can bake it.
- I coated it in flour before frying
- You can freeze it for later.
- For serving, I quickly pickled some red onion in lemon juice

You will need:
- 250g mushrooms
- 200g cooked lentils
- 100g oats (I crush them a little in the blender but coarser than flour)
- 1 onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp grounf flax seeds
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- Herbs of your choice
- 1 cube of frozen spinach - optional
What to do?
- Finely dice the onion, garlic and mushrooms
- Fry the onion, then add garlic, mushrooms and cook till the most of moisture evaporates.
- Once mushrooms cool down, mix in the rest of ingredients, shape it into patties.
- I suggest to roll patties into flour or starch before frying or baking.